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Gerbera lilies and balloons Arrangement

Gerbera lilies and balloons Arrangement

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Earliest Delivery : 21st Jan, 25
37% Off



Floral gifting is a perfect choice to convey deep sentiments of love on any kind of occasion, be it congratulations, good luck wishes and also for different reasons. Red gerberas and lilies has long been admired and used by humans to beautify their environment, and also as objects of romance, ritual and religion. Recipient would love to have or otherwise be around Flowers partly because of their agreeable appearance and smell. If you have a special fondness and adoration for someone, then this enthralling stand will be a wonderful surprise, which makes it perfect theme gift.

This gift consists of:
Opening iron stand - Red gerberas, star gazer lilies and balloons. Approximate 1.6m
This gift consists of:
Opening iron stand - Red gerberas, star gazer lilies and balloons. Approximate 1.6m

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